Policy and Procedure Human Rights
Human Rights
Human Rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status :
- The Right to Life and Liberty
- Freedom from Slavery and Torture
- Freedom of Opinion and Expression
- Right to Work and Education
Legal Requirements
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Civil Rights Act
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act
- Fair Labour Practices Act
- Conduct Supply Chain Due Diligence for Human Rights
- Respect Human Rights and Labour Rights.
- Provide Equal Opportunities for growth to all employees.
- Not support Child Labour and Forced Labour.
- Provide Safe and Healthy Work Environment
- Training
- Insurances
- I9 – Employment Eligibility
- Age Proof
- Human Rights Due Diligence – RJC Template
- Risk Assessment – RJC Template
Human Rights Due Diligence
- Conduct a Human Rights Due Diligence of the activities, products and services
- Conduct a Human Rights due diligence of the supply chain
- Conduct a Risk Assessment
- Establish and Implement a Mitigation Plan
- Verify the Effectiveness of the Risk Mitigation Plan
- Conduct a Supply Chain Due Diligence
- Map the Supply Chain
- Conduct a Risk Assessment
- Mitigate the risks
- Resolve the Red Flags
- Review the effectiveness
- Report the Human Rights issues, if any, publicly.
- Use the website to communicate the results of Human Rights due diligence